Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ace the Interview with these Tips from the Experts

Ace the Interview with these Tips from the ExpertsAce the Interview with these Tips from the ExpertsSo you put together a stellar resume, wrote a winning titelblatt letter and landed an vorstellungsgesprch for your dream job. The hard works done, right? Wrong. Dont think you can just rely on your dazzling personality to win over your bewerbungsgesprcher. Theres no substitute for being prepared, and with some expert tips, youll ace the interview and be one step closer to a job offer.Research, research and research. The more you research the more prepared you are, says Ricardo Estevez, career services director atThe Art Institute of Washington, a branch of The Art Institute of Atlanta. Having a firm understanding of the job description and job duties allows you to practice answers associating job duties with positions youve had in the past.This helps make sure your answers are succinct and helps connects the dots for the employer, says Kristin Frank, career services director atThe Art Institute of Phoenix.Estevez adds that research can help you take charge of an unstructured interview and bring it back to home state. It also enables you to have questions to ask at the end of the interview. He says Without research, its hard to realign the interview and get out of uncomfortable spots.Along with getting a better understanding of the job, your preparation should also include getting a better grasp on your own skill set. Be confident with your accomplishments, and be prepared to share them with multiple people who could be interviewing you, says Frank. I always say practice with your best friend. They are your biggest cheerleader. They will help you come up with some of your big statements about what you did. Also having an outline of key points and clean, concise messages is going to benefit the entire process.Tell me a little about yourself is usually the first point of discussion in an interview and is often one that can easily trip up the interviewee. Usually, at the beginning of an interview, you really should keep it about the job, about your past experiences in relation to the job youre applying for, says Estevez. Keep it hyper-focused on the position youre interviewing for. He adds to listen to how the question is asked. If the interviewer says tell me more about you, he or she usually wants to know more about you personally. People shouldnt shy away from this but also leid get too personal.Another question that can be tricky to navigate is why you are leaving your current position. Both Estevez and Frank agree that the key here is keeping it 100 percent positive. For most people, the answer should be about opportunity, challenge and growth. Having this answer planned out ahead of time is really going to be key, says Frank.If you are changing careers, Estevez recommends talking about how you are passionate about the new field you are entering. He also cautions about mentioning how a current employer doesnt offer a flexible schedule. Mak e sure to keep things positive and career or passion focused.If there is a gap in your resume, it will most certainly come up during the interview, and the HR representative or recruiter will always be a bit sensitive to this. Be genuine, says Frank. It is up to the candidate to articulate in a way thats genuine and not implying that something negative happened. Be really positive and be sure you are focusing on what you can bring to the table. The same goes for any unfinished education.While you are doing your research on the company, your interviewer is also doing research on you. Many employers Google people before they come in for an interview or research them before they even become a candidate, says Frank. She stresses you need to protect your image on social media and be aware of what is on the internet and ensure the information reflects your goals and experience.If salary comes up and they really want an answer and really want to know your number, everyone should know what their bottom-line number is. Add a bit more and negotiate down, says Estevez. Once this question is asked, it is ok to then ask what the budget is for that position. If there is a big disparity, ask if there is an opportunity for a higher salary later.Depending on the job your are interviewing for, demonstrations of your skills or job shadowing could be required. Skype interviews are also becoming more common, says Frank. These help interviews see how well a candidate can work with technology.The biggest mistakes that Estevez sees is not being in the interview mindset as soon as you leave the house. Each person you see from the receptionist to the people you pass in the lobby or elevator, could potentially be part of your interview panel. Treat them all as such.Sourceartinstitutes.edu.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Survey Almost 50% of men think the pay gap is made up

Survey Almost 50% of men think the pay gap is made upSurvey Almost 50% of men think the pay gap is made upDespite a mountain of evidence proving a gender pay gap where women make 81 cents to mens dollar, nearly half of men believe its invented. A new poll of 8,566 Americans by SurveyMonkey, revealed by TIME, shows that theres a belief gap on top of the pay gap.A stunning 46% of men think the gender pay gap is made up to serve a political purpose. Moreover, 31% of men see media coverage of the page gap as overblown, and 21% go so far to call it fake news.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOut of all Americans, 62% recognize that theres a gender pay gap, but thats down from polls from the last two years.Amongst groups that are not female, misconceptions abound. The groups most likely to believe (incorrectly) that men and women are paid equally for similar jobs are men and younger Ame ricans.Almost half (47%) of Americans think that the obstacles standing in the way of women and success are gone. Out of the men, the number goes up to 58%.When asked the biggest reasons for the gender pay gap, 43% of men cite unconscious bias, and 36% said sexism. And 34% of men, as well as 29% of women, agreed that women are generally in carers that dont pay as much.While 60% of the general population found the pay gap very unfair, only 48% of men did.Interestingly, men were much more hopeful than women that the pay gap would be erased. Nearly 75% of men thought men and women would get paid the same for similar work in their lifetime, while only 52% of women did.Overall, people thought (54%) the government should do more to close the pay gap, and that companies should (73%) as well.Results on the specific ways they would do so were tepid, however. Only 54% wanted companies to share gender and pay information with the government, and 52% thought companies sharing gender and pay inf ormation online to the public would be helpful. Another 52% thought it would be helpful to ban employers from asking potential employees about previous pay. None of these results showed strong feelings.When respondents were asked about their own workplaces, more blind sports were revealed only 24% thought men made more money than women, and 22% thought men had more opportunities to get ahead. (When broken down by gender, however, women rated mens advantages higher).And forget pay transparency 45% of both sexes would not be willing to share their compensation, citing it as generally unprofessional.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Defend Yourself Against False Harassment Charges

How to Defend Yourself Against False Harassment ChargesHow to Defend Yourself Against False Harassment ChargesSexual harassment can cause a real problem at work. Sexual harassment comes not only in the form of quid pro quo (If you sleep with me, youll get the promotion), but in the form of inappropriate jokes, pornography on office computers, and touching someone who doesnt want to be touched, in a sexual or suggestive way. When an employee reports a claim of sexual harassment, the company is obligated to investigate. Normally that responsibility falls on the shoulders of the Human Resources department, but the investigation can be handled by an outside person, frequently an attorney, if the company doesnt have a dedicated HR department or person. Some companies will choose to bring in a consultant or an attorney, in any case, to investigate such a claim because of concerns about impartiality. This is also fairly standard if the accused is a senior manager because of the difficulty i nternal managers will have in doing a solid investigation. Depending on the seriousness of the accusation, a company may suspend the accused person from work until the investigation is complete. All of these actions are normal and how an investigation should proceed. The best course of action if youre guilty of sexually harassinga coworker is to confess, apologize, promise never to do it again, and hope you dont get fired. But, what if youre not guilty? False accusations do happen and it could be two completely different perspectives about what actually did happen. If you are wrongly accused, here is what you need to do. Cooperate With the Investigation Because youre innocent, instinctively your first reaction may be to push back and stonewall the investigation. It may be that the person who accused you is a competitive person determined to destroy your career because theyre vying for your job. They may also be seeking publicity or notoriety. While these issues are possible, you should still cooperate with the investigation You need to cooperate because theyre going to investigate with you or without you. You want your side of the story on the record and you want to clear your name. You also want to provide your list of witnesses, especially if your accuser is a horrible person, you dont want the witness list to consist of your enemies. You need the witness list to contain the names of friends and colleagues who can back up your side of the story. Confess What You Did Do Wrong Some sexual harassment claims come after a ?breakup of what was a consensual sexual relationship. If your company has a policy against bosses dating reporting staffor coworkers dating and you did have a sexual relationship with your accuser, dont lie about it. Eventually, management will findout so just confess that you dated and explain for how long. Will they still fire you for breaking the rules? Maybe, but youshould have been aware of that when you started the relationship. A dditionally, you want to get your name cleared- its far better to be fired for breaking the rules then for committing sexual harassment. If a coworker walked past your cubicle and saw naked women on your computer screen, its likely the IT department already knows about itso lying wont help your case In fact, they probably already had IT look into this before they spoke with you. The key here is to confess what you did wrong. Yes, I viewed pornography on my company laptop, but I only did it at home. If you look at the time stamps, youll see that what Jane is complaining about couldnt have happened at work. Apologize, Even If You Are Innocent Your joke wasnt inappropriate its just that a coworker who is incredibly thin-skinned thought it was. If this is the case apologize anyway. You werent looking somewhere other than into a colleagues eyes. Apologize anyway. Why? Because sexual harassment law dictates this. It doesnt say, you cant tell dirty jokes, pinch someones behind, or have sex with your assistant. What it does say is, you cant do any of these things if they are unwanted and the person is offended, and a reasonable person would be offended.For the behavior to be considered sexual harassment, the behavior must exhibit all three of these conditions. The problem is, you dont always know what is unwanted until you carry out the behavior. So, apologize and make a mental note that this person is a lot more sensitive than the average person. Let that guide your future interactions. Hire an Attorney This is not always necessary. Most of the time, the truth will come out rather rapidly, and the investigation will clear up the charges. However this doesnt always happen, and if the accusations are serious, you could lose your job and your reputation over this accusal. When the HR department investigates the claim, they arent required to do so according to criminal court rules. There isnt an impartial jury or a judge that rules on evidence as admissible or in admissible. They have a legal obligation to conduct a fair investigation but they arent required to conduct a perfect one. If the accusation is serious enough that you could lose your job over it, you may wish to hire an attorney. If you do, its critical that the attorney is one who focuses on employment law, particularly employee-side employment law. This isnt something that just any lawyer can do. Employment law is complex, and if youre going to hire an attorney, you want a specialist. (www.Nela.orgcan refer you to an employment attorney in your area.) This vorkaufsrecht costs money, of course, and youll have to pay out of your own pocket. Regardless, the cost should be less than the cost of losing your job. Your attorney will know the specific laws in your state or country. He or she will guide you through the process. What Happens When the Investigation Is Over? If the investigation finds you responsible, youll receive some sort of punishment. The punishment can range from a stern, Do not do this again, to the termination of your employment. If you believe the termination is unfair and unfounded, youll want your attorney to negotiate an exit from the company. Its possible if you are found guilty of sexual harassment that you can still get a severance package and make an agreement that they will provide you with a neutral reference. If the investigation finds that you are not at fault, the accuser could get anything from a were sorry about the misunderstanding, but what you experienced was not sexual harassment, to a stern do not do this again. If egregious, the accuser could even find their employment terminated. Yes, companies can fire you for making false claims. If both of you remain at the company, you may wish not to work near this person. You can certainly ?ask for a transfer, but your managers may tell you to act like an adult and deal with this situation. If you think this proximity is too difficult for you to handle, by all means, start lookin g for a new job and leave your employment. The last thing you want is for this sexual harassment charge to haunt you for the rest of your life. Moving on seems unfair, especially if you are the innocent party, but sometimes its the best solution to a schwimmbad situation. - - - - - - - - - - - - Suzanne Lucas is a freelance journalist specializing in Human Resources. Suzannes work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Use Behavioral Interview Questions to Check References

How to Use Behavioral Interview Questions to Check References How to Use Behavioral Interview Questions to Check References After all, who in their right mind would risk giving you the name of areference that might say bad things about them? Naturally, candidates only offer references whom they believe will compliment their work, honesty, and reliability.Verification of employment dates and job titles can be obtained by contacting the human resources departments of previous employers but dont expect HRtoprovide much more information about acandidate. HR proshave been trained well not to offer much help here.So, does this mean references are always worthless? elend necessarily.Next time you are checking a candidates references, try askinga few behavioral vorstellungsgesprch questions. You may be surprised at what you learn.Use Behavioral Interview Questions to get an Honest Answer Lets take a new look at a trusted hiring tool, the behavioral interview question, and consider using i t in a different way. I discussedbehavioral interviewing in an earlier post, but Id like today to offer a new approach to this tactic using it to draw valuable information out of references.Consider this example Recently, I hired for a critical position in our company. It was known and discussed during previous interviews with the finalist, Jason, that budgets would be constrained at first. He understood we were a privately held startup with the typical challenges and pace of any such company. Any viable candidate would have to be self-sufficient, hard-working, and willing to do whatever it takes to make the company successful.I gave this background information to Jasons former supervisor before asking the following questionsTell me about a time when Jason had to deliver on a project where he did not have all of the resources he needed.Give me an example of a time when Jason had to start from scratch and build a new team.Describe for me the environment in which Jason did his best wo rk.Any strength, when overused, can become a liability. Describe a situation where this might have been true for Jason.Tell me something you often had to remind Jason to do.Digging Deeper When Checking ReferencesThe complete answer youre trying to uncoverthrough behavioral interview questions is always made up of the same three parts, whether youre interviewing candidates or references. For our purposes in the example above, we were looking for the followingProblem This answers the question, What problem Jason was trying to solve?ActionThis is a description of the actions that Jason took to address the problem he was facing.ResultHere, the goal is to uncover any results Jason achieved through his actions.I call this the PAR (problem, action, result) technique. To get PAR, youre listening for each one of the three and mentally checking them off as the persongives them to you. If the person skips any one of the three, ask them about it. Be persistent. Dont stop until you get the probl em, action, and result.What I Learned From Jasons SupervisorWhile answering my questions, Jasons former supervisor told me stories about Jasons creativity and cleverness in gathering resources. This was in a situation where he had the drive and the passion, but not the budget. He also explained that Jason was a good builder of teams and very skilled at selecting people. Further, I was able to learn that Jason works extremely hard when he is connected to and strongly believes in the mission of the organization.Jasons supervisor alsomade clear to me that my challenge would be ensuring thatJason maintain a healthy work-life balance that he leave work at a reasonable hour and is not on email all night long to the detriment of his personal relationships.I also learned that Jasons initiative can be annoying if left unchecked. Hecan find himself lost in the weeds because he has not stopped and asked for others opinions or feedback.As a result of using behavioral questions during this refe rence call, I was able to get useful information that could help me a lot in managing Jason more effectively. Compare that to the generic praise you usually receive on a reference call, and youll landsee why behavioral interview questions are the way to go whether youre interviewing a candidate or trying to get some good information out of their references.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Badly Do You Want the Job

How Badly Do You Want the JobHow Badly Do You Want the Job14When it comes to applying for jobs that offer more flexibility, youll likely be vying with many candidates for the opportunity. Thats certainly for good reason recent stats released by PGi show that a full-time, dual-income family can save the equivalent of four semesters at a public college, 90 days on a cruise ship, or 17 credit card balances by telecommuting.What does it take to score your dream sttte, whether youre gunning for an in-house staff post or a flexible or remote job? It takes going the extra mile in your job search. Here are some quick tips on how to do itTarget your application materials.Gone are the days when you could simply send out the same resume, and virtually the same cover letter, to every employer youre interested in. If you dont want your application to get circular-filed, put in the time to craft your materials to each position that you apply to. Research both the position and the company, and make sure that both your resume and cover letter address the hiring managers specifically requested needs.Develop a professional online presence.This is not your parents job search. A few decades ago, your formal application materials were all you needed to worry about prospective employers knowing about you prior to your bewerberinterview. But a 2013 Jobvite study found that nearly all recruiters (93 percent) now zero in on a candidates social media presence as part of their decision-making process. Thats jumped from 78 percent just five years ago. So make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, and clean up personal photos and comments on Facebook that might keep you from getting the job you want.Remember the little things.Formalities like sending a thank-you note or thank-you email after your interview can make a difference and help keep you top of mind with hiring managers. For the interview itself, dress like you want the part a recent survey by Adecco revealed that three-quarter s of hiring managers feel that Millennials in particular blow their chances by failing to dress professionally. Arrive early, and remember to bring several copies of your resume to the interview.Understand what you want.Weve all heard the adage about climbing the ladder and then realizing its propped up against the wrong wall. Taking responsibility for your career involves understanding yourself well enough to know what kind of job youd really enjoy and excel at. For example, while its true that research from Boston College Center for Work and Family shows that flexible work arrangements may help ease workers stress by affording better job and life satisfaction, not everyone finds the same situations stressful. If youre someone who needs the constant hum of the office to feel motivated, then you might not want that telecommuting position as much as you think you do. Then again, you might- so do what it takes to get itReaders, how badly do YOU want the job? How do you go above and be yond in your job search?

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Ugly Secret of What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume

The Ugly Secret of What Is a deckblatt Letter for a Resume From here, list down relevant abilities and experiences so that youre able to tailor yur deckblatt letter to a specific job position you are thinking about. Leave the hiring manager free of doubt you could do the job duties at the maximum level. Whether you wish to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, weve got a sample that is applicable to your career path. If youre asking for work in absatzwirtschaft or sales, you will need to highlight key performance metrics. The Key to Successful What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Before you begin, it can be of help to review some titelseite letter samples, just so youve got a visual of how everything fits on the webpage. Sample titelseite letters are given in the handout for a guideline only. It can be useful to print a duplicate of your titelbild letter and edit it using a pen in hand. Our completely free cover letter examples will provide you with a fa ntastic start. The letter delivers detailed info on why youre qualified for the job that you are applying for. Before interviewing for employment, be certain that your letter is customized, your resume is polished, and youre prepared for anything. A cover letter should demonstrate the employer you have the qualifications to do the job youre applying for. After youve written your amazing cover letter providing more info on your expertise and the way it is related to the job that youre applying for, its essential to format it correctly before sending it to any recruiters. What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Explained Youre able to add an additional middle paragraph if absolutely required. If your letter is spilling off onto another page, first reread it and see whether theres anything it is possible to cut. Check for grammar and spelling errors and be sure tove included all of the correct contact information at the summit of your letter. If youve got an impressive collection of achievements, look at calling them out on your cover letter by employing bullet points. What You Need to Know About What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume HP paper comes in a multitude of unique weights. Using resume templates is a powerful method of producing professional-looking results quickly. Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your cover letter should highlight problem solving skills and the ability to satisfy quality standards. While each cover letter ought to be tailored to the specific job for which youre applying, you should begin by developing a simple template and then adjusting it based on what you require. Whats more, the attitude within her letter is quite arrogant. Through your very first year teacher cover letter, you should express why you are going to be an exemplary teacher, even if you dont have that much experience. Every student desires a resume. When applying for employment, you need to always incorporate a cover letter. As a consequence , your cover letter needs to show that you take patient care seriously. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. Its vital that you customize each cover letter to the job which youre applying. The Basics of What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume If youre thinking about how to compose a cover letter, youre in the proper spot The point is to take a look at many of examples and allow them to inspire you to compose a document which suits your distinct style, situation, and purpose. In that scenario, its more important to adhere to the instructions on the work listing. Researching the companywill help dictate the tone you wish to use, which might differ greatly, based on the place you apply. Get the Scoop on What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume Before Youre Too Late Keep it simple so that your cover letter will be simple to read and understand. In terms of the cover letter, its built in a type of business letter which ought to be personalize d and persuasive. Before you commence writing a cover letter, be sure youve chosen the perfect kind of letter. You also need to know how to format your cover letter correctly. A successful candidate for a work opening takes the opportunity to figure out the names of the important individuals in the organization where theyre applying. Unfortunately, there continue to be a good deal of individuals who can read. Your cover letter is among your very first opportunities to get noticed by employers. It is the perfect place of offer a bit of personal information to the employer. The Little-Known Secrets to What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume If you dont get a name, search the organization website for a company directory or listing of vital personnel. When youre asking for a job which has been posted by a business thats hiring, you will use the application letter style. Before you even start your cover letter, gather information concerning the employer and the business that youre applying to. Your cover letter is a chance to demonstrate that you comprehend the necessities of the role and the needs the provider is trying to fill. Both documents require that you introduce yourself. It would be far more advisable to go through the numerous types of Marketing Assistant Cover Letter formats so that you can receive a brief view about all of these and can easily opt most acceptable form of resume cover letter to their curriculum vitae. Once you learn how to begin your letter, you will need to learn how to format the whole thing. Review our examples and make use of what you learn how to develop job-specific cover letters for every one of your applications. How to Choose What Is a Cover Letter for a Resume If youre responding to an advertised position, indicate youre excited about the chance to discuss ways to add to the success of the organization. Its clear from the work description which you wish to employ a versatile candidate who can manage the many fa cets of the job. State which you would prefer the chance to interview or discuss employment opportunities. Enhancing your ability to compose a letter and resume gives you a greater chance of obtaining a job. You ought to be aware that the cover letter is the fundamental step to a large career. For instance, a cover letter is an outstanding place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a long gap in employment. In contrast, it provides an opportunity to explain why you are qualified for the job. The most suitable cover letter will enhance your odds of getting noticed at a prestigious business. Now you are aware of how to commence a cover letter that links to the work description. You should tailor your cover letter to talk specifically to each organizations needs. The secret is to show in your cover letter that youre acquainted with the firms background and where its headed in the future. When youre writing a cover letter for a customer service or retail positio n, take the opportunity to be sure that your letter properly displays your finest qualities in the field of consumer support.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why Professionals Should Practice Like Athletes and Actors

Why Professionals Should Practice Like Athletes and Actors In the business world, things move fast. You write a business proposal, seek approval, and move on to your next project. Efficiency is key. Waste little time. Produce as much as possible.I recently had a wonderful opportunity to share my personal career story at a TEDx event in Worthington, Ohio. Giving a TEDx talk welches a huge honor, but also a big responsibility. I wanted to be prepared and not the kind of prepared that Ive been in the past when Ive delivered a PowerPoint presentation whipped up for an executive meeting.But what does being prepared for something like TED mean? Fortunately, I had a great team of folks around me to serve as advisers, including a professional speaking coach, a professional speech writer, and a great TEDx team. I honestly couldnt have felt more proud to have such a great group working with me.What I quickly found was that preparing for a 15-minute memorized t alk was an entirely different animal from preparing for anaverage business presentation. For the first time, I had a script. I didnt just write that script once I wrote and revised it 10 times. Each time, the team would have feedback. Perhaps one word didnt sound quite right, or maybe another sentence was needed to bridge two thoughts.Then came practicing. Memorizing eight pages of text is not easy. That was the first giant hill I had to conquer. Once the memorization was under control, I focused on my delivery. Even tiny details like the regional pronunciation of words were on the table for discussion. Ill be honest At times, this level of commitmentwas trying.Then, one day, I bumped into a professional ballet dancer at the theater where I was practicing. He was there by himself, practicing his dance skills. You might think this was a sign that he had a big production just around the corner, but it wasnt. He was there practicing because he wanted to be his best at all times. He ha d discipline.In that moment, it really hit me how hard actors and athletes work when no one is watching. They are dedicated to be the best at one specific thing, for the 15 minutes when peopleare watching. Hours of tiring practice have gone into that perfect moment practice that nobody else sees.My TEDx experience made me wonder how much more effective and efficient we all might be as business leaders if we set aside a little more time to practice. Rather than planning to give a presentation once with no rehearsal, what if we took the time to hone our message? I hope to take my newfound respect for performers and athletes with me as I go back to my projects in the fast-paced business world.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.